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所畏 2025-01-05
La mandataria mexicana Claudia Sheinbaum se mostró el martes dispuesta a un diálogo con el presidente electo Donald Trump, pero advirtió que si el nuevo gobierno estadounidense impone aranceles a México su administración responderá con una medida similar. Así lo planteó Sheinbaum en una carta que enviará el martes a Trump en la que expresó que “no es con amenazas ni con aranceles como se va atender el fenómeno migratorio, ni el consumo de drogas en Estados Unidos”, pero advirtió que “a un arancel vendrá otro en respuesta y así hasta que pongamos en riesgos empresas comunes”. “¿Por qué ponerle un impuesto que las ponga en riesgo? ”, se preguntó la presidenta en la misiva al hablar de las consecuencias que un incremento de los aranceles podría tener para las automotrices estadounidenses como General Motors y Ford Motors Company —que tienen plantas en México— y dijo que es “no es aceptable y causaría a Estados Unidos y a México inflación y pérdidas de empleo”. Sheinbaum abogó por el diálogo y la “cooperación y entendimiento recíproco” para fortalecer económicamente a Norteamérica y asegurar que la región siga siendo más competitiva frente a otros bloques económicos. Esa idea la amplió en su conferencia matutina en la que anunció que además de la carta se buscará una conversación telefónica para concretar un encuentro lo más pronto posible. “Hay que poner todo sobre la mesa. Pero si ponemos en el centro la coordinación, la colaboración para poder atender de manera profunda el fenómeno migratorio, el problema de la crisis humanitaria que tienen en Estados Unidos por el consumo de fentanilo, pues entonces se va atender de manera integral”, afirmó la mandataria. En una serie de publicaciones en su plataforma de redes sociales Truth Social, Trump dijo el lunes que impondría un impuesto del 25% a todos los productos que ingresen al país desde Canadá y México y un arancel adicional del 10% a los bienes procedentes de China. El presidente electo aseguró que los nuevos aranceles permanecerían en vigor “hasta detener esta invasión de drogas, en particular del fentanilo, y de todos los extranjeros ilegales en nuestro país”. No está claro si Trump realmente llevará a cabo las amenazas o si las está utilizando como táctica de negociación antes de asumir el cargo en enero. El tratado de libre comercio entre Estados Unidos, México y Canadá prohíbe imponer aranceles a los países miembros. Al desmostar los argumentos esgrimidos por Trump, Sheinbaum dijo que de acuerdo con las cifras de la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de Estados Unidos (CBP, por sus siglas en inglés) los encuentros con migrantes en la frontera sur estadounidense se han reducido 75% desde diciembre de 2023 a noviembre de este año y que la mitad de los extranjeros que han llegado a esa frontera es a través de una cita legalmente otorgada por el programa CBP One que estableció la administración del demócrata Joe Biden. Durante su conferencia matutina, la presidenta mexicana resaltó los esfuerzos que ha desplegado México para atender el problema migratorio y expresó que “a lo mejor esto no lo conoce el presidente Trump”. Asimismo, Sheinbaum destacó las acciones que han emprendido las autoridades mexicanas para combatir el tráfico de drogas y el apoyo que han dado a Estados Unidos ante la “epidemia” del fentanilo, que aseguró que es consecuencia de un “problema de consumo y de salud pública de la sociedad de su país”, y recordó que las drogas sintéticas ingresan a Estados Unidos, Canadá y México de “manera ilegal proveniente de países asiáticos”, ante lo que planteó que es “urgente la colaboración internacional”. De igual forma, reiteró las quejas de México sobre el tráfico ilegal de armas provenientes de Estados Unidos, que estimó en 70%, y el impacto que eso genera en la escalada de la violencia. “Los muertos por la delincuencia para responder a la demanda de drogas de su país lamentablemente los ponemos nosotros”, recordó. También criticó el gasto armamentista y dijo que “si un porcentaje de lo que Estados Unidos destina a la guerra se dedica a la construcción de la paz y al desarrollo, se estará atendiendo de fondo la movilidad de las personas”. Pese a las tensiones, el secretario mexicano de Economía, Marcelo Ebrard, se mostró el martes optimista y dijo en un mensaje de su cuenta de X, antes Twitter, que “encontraremos una solución”. “El arancel es un impuesto y dañaría a ambos países”, agregó. La reacción de Sheinbaum sugiere que Trump se enfrentaría a una mandataria muy diferente a su antecesor. A fines de 2018 el entonces presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, un político carismático de la vieja escuela, entabló una relación cordial con Trump y ambos llegaron a un acuerdo por el que México ayudaba a mantener a los migrantes lejos de la frontera estadounidense y recibía a los extranjeros deportados de otros países y el republicano retrocedía en las amenazas. Pero Sheinbaum, formada en movimientos radicales estudiantiles, parece menos dispuesta a una relación más política o a apaciguar a Trump. “Nosotros negociamos como hermanos...pero no hay subordinación”, sostuvo el martes la mandataria al reconocer que la relación con Estados Unidos es de “alto nivel”, pero “es de iguales”. De concretarse la amenaza del republicano Trump el impacto se sentiría especialmente en Estados Unidos con un aumento drástico de precios en diversos productos, desde la gasolina y automóviles hasta productos del campo. Pero México no escapará de las secuelas económicas. Los primeros efectos se sintieron el martes en el mercado cambiario. La moneda mexicana concluyó la jornada con una depreciación de 1,87% frente al dólar lo que llevó la tasa de cambio alrededor de 20,68 pesos por dólar. El mercado de valores también sufrió una leve afectación y cerró la sesión con una pérdida de 0,97%. La directora de análisis económico del grupo financiero local Banco Base, Gabriela Siller, indicó que de concretar Trump sus amenazas podría desencadenarse una salida paulatina de empresas extranjeras de México, lo que afectaría el desempeño económico del país. En cuanto a la advertencia que lanzó Sheinbaum de responder también con aranceles, Siller dijo que “con una política espejo México sería el gran perdedor” y sostuvo que la economía mexicana depende mucho más de su vecino del norte que lo que Estados Unidos depende de México. En tanto, Moody’s dijo en un comunicado que la brecha comercial negativa del país latinoamericano podría ampliarse en 2025 debido a que los aranceles estadounidenses reducirán la demanda de exportaciones mexicanas, lo que “empeorará” la debilidad de la economía. Es por ello que la calificadora ajustó su proyección de crecimiento económico para el próximo año y la pasó del alrededor de 1% a 0,6%. “Los efectos adversos afectarán a la baja el desempeño económico de México, particularmente en los próximos dos años”, reconoció la calificadora. Además, Moody’s señaló que los impactos también se sentirán en el sector financiero, en el flujo de remesas y las inversiones, debido a que algunas empresas estadounidenses podrían reconsiderar o cancelar sus planes de relocalización en México. El comercio transfronterizo entre México y Estados Unidos pasa por su mejor momento, con transacciones que superan los 800.000 millones de dólares anuales. Estados Unidos es el mayor importador de bienes del mundo, siendo México, China y Canadá sus tres principales proveedores.slotbet casino

RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Brazilian veterinarians are running against the clock to find and save a heron spotted with a plastic cup struck in its throat in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as they estimate the animal could die within five days if the object is not removed. Jeferson Pires, a veterinary and biologist working at the center for wild animals at Estacio college, first spotted the bird earlier this week among riparian vegetation in the west side of Rio de Janeiro, and shared its situation on his social media platforms. "Although we frequently find the presence of plastic inside the stomachs of animals, we have never caught a case like this," he told Reuters on Wednesday, stressing the large size of the plastic -apparently a 200-milimeter (6.7-ounce) cup of a popular guarana drink. The heron will not be able to eat with an object that big horizontally placed at its throat, and is expected to gradually become weaker and die of hunger within three to five days, he added. "Human beings still have not realized that we need nature, but nature does not need us to live," environmentalist Isabelle de Loys said, adding the environmental situation in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil is getting worse. The veterinarians' plan to save the heron, identified as a Cocoi heron (Ardea cocoi) - the largest species of herons in Latin America that is closely related to the great blue heron - is to capture the bird once it is too weak to fly away, and then proceed with a surgery to remove the plastic cup, according to Pires. In order to save the animal, fist veterinarians will need to locate the heron at the right time, and capture the bird which is about 1.25 meters (4.1 feet) tall and has a wingspan of some 1.8 meters, he added. Sign up here. Reporting by Sergio Queiroz in Rio de Janeiro; Writing by Andre Romani; Editing by Aida Pelaez-Fernandez and Sandra Maler Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. , opens new tab

SHENZHEN, China , Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- X Financial (NYSE: XYF ) (the "Company" or "we"), a leading online personal finance company in China , today announced its unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024 . Third Quarter 2024 Operational Highlights The total loan amount facilitated and originated [1] in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB28,338 million , compared with RMB29,462 million in the same period of 2023. Total number of active borrowers [2] was 1,965,248 in the third quarter of 2024, compared with 1,809,815 in the same period of 2023. The total outstanding loan balance [3] as of September 30, 2024 was RMB45,766 million , compared with RMB49,685 million as of September 30, 2023 . The delinquency rate for all outstanding loans that are past due for 31-60 days [4] as of September 30, 2024 was 1.02%, compared with 1.11% as of September 30, 2023 . The delinquency rate for all outstanding loans that are past due for 91-180 days [5] as of September 30, 2024 was 3.22%, compared with 2.50% as of September 30, 2023 . Third Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights Total net revenue in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB1,582.5 million ( US$225.5 million ), representing an increase of 13.3% from RMB1,396.9 million in the same period of 2023. Income from operations in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB509.0 million ( US$72.5 million ), compared with RMB435.0 million in the same period of 2023. Net income in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB375.8 million ( US$53.6 million ), compared with RMB347.2 million in the same period of 2023. Non-GAAP [6] adjusted net income in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB433.6 million ( US$61.8 million ), compared with RMB374.5 million in the same period of 2023. Net income per basic and diluted American depositary share ("ADS") [7] in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB7.86 (US$1.12) and RMB7.74 (US$1.10) , compared with RMB7.26 and RMB7.02 , respectively, in the same period of 2023. Non-GAAP adjusted net income per basic and diluted ADS in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB9.12 (US$1.30) and RMB8.88 (US$1.27) , compared with RMB7.80 and RMB7.56 , respectively, in the same period of 2023. Mr. Kent Li , President of the Company, commented, "We are pleased to report another strong quarter, with loan volumes exceeding our forecast and a significant sequential improvement in asset quality. In the third quarter, we continued to promptly adjust loan volumes based on risk levels. As asset quality improved, we further intensified our borrower acquisition efforts, which have yielded very positive results. Both the top and bottom lines continued to grow year-over-year. Non-GAAP adjusted net income reached a new record high." "Specifically on the operational front, our total loan amount facilitated and originated was down 4% year-on-year but up 25% sequentially to RMB28 billion , above the high end of our guidance. Delinquency rates for all outstanding loans past due for 31-60 days and 91-180 days were 1.02% and 3.22%, respectively, at the end of the quarter, compared to 1.29% and 4.38% a quarter ago and 1.11% and 2.50% a year ago. We are pleased with these improvements in asset quality and will continue to optimize our risk management system through advanced technology." "In September this year, the Chinese government unveiled a comprehensive stimulus package aimed at improving liquidity, boosting the property market, stabilizing financial markets and stimulating consumption. We expect this will provide a meaningful boost to the macroeconomic recovery. As an integral part of the economy, the personal finance market we serve should benefit from this upturn. We have already observed positive signs in the market and are committed to adjusting loan volumes in line with risk levels. As a result of this favorable environment, we are raising our guidance and expect our monthly loan volume to exceed RMB10 billion in the fourth quarter, setting a new record." Mr. Frank Fuya Zheng , Chief Financial Officer of the Company, added, "I'm pleased to report that our strategy of balancing business growth and profitability continued to pay off. Total net revenue was RMB1.6 billion , up 13% year-on-year and 15% sequentially, while non-GAAP adjusted net income reached a record high of RMB434 million , up 16% year-on-year and sequentially. As we continue to deliver strong profitability and execute on our proven strategy, we have full confidence in our future. We will continue to execute our semi-annual dividend policy and explore opportunities under our share repurchase program to return more value to our shareholders over the long term." Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results Total net revenue in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 13.3% to RMB1,582 .5 million ( US$225 .5 million) from RMB1,396.9 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to growth in various disaggregated revenue items compared with the same period of 2023. Please refer to analysis of disaggregation of revenue below. Loan facilitation service fees in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 5.9% to RMB878 .3 million ( US$125 .2 million) from RMB829 .4 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to a decrease in the expected prepayment rates this quarter compared with the same period of 2023. Post-origination service fees in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 10.7% to RMB186 .1 million ( US$26 .5 million) from RMB168 .2 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated in the previous quarters. Revenues from post-origination services are recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the underlying loans as the services are being provided. Financing income in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 11.6% to RMB335 .8 million ( US$47 .8 million) from RMB301 .0 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to an increase in average loan receivables held by the Company compared with the same period of 2023. Guarantee income in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB53.6 million ( US$7.6 million ), compared with RMB7.9 million in the same period of 2023, due to the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated covered by guarantee service in the previous quarters compared with the same period of 2023. Revenues from guarantee service are recognized systematically when the Company released from the underlying risk. Other revenue in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 42.4% to RMB128.8 million ( US$18.3 million ), compared with RMB90.4 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to an increase in referral service fee for introducing borrowers to other platforms. Origination and servicing expenses in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 13.6% to RMB457 .5 million ( US$65 .2 million) from RMB402 .9 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to the increase in collection expenses resulting from the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated and originated in the previous quarters compared with the same period of 2023. Borrower acquisitions and marketing expenses in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 20.7% to RMB506 .8 million ( US$72 .2 million) from RMB419 .9 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to intensified efforts in borrower acquisitions compared with the same period of 2023. Reversal of provision for loans receivable in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB35 thousand ( US$5 thousand ), compared with provision for loans receivable of RMB53.9 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to a decrease in the average estimated default rate compared with the same period of 2023, and partially offset by an increase in loans receivable held by the Company as a result of the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated and originated in the previous quarters compared with the same period of 2023. Provision for contingent guarantee liabilities in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB56.4 million ( US$8.0 million ), compared with RMB41.6 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to an increase in guarantee liabilities held by the Company as a result of the increased volume of loans facilitated covered by the guarantee service this quarter compared with the same period of 2023. Income from operations in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB509 .0 million ( US$72 .5 million), compared with RMB435 .0 million in the same period of 2023. Income before income taxes and gain from equity in affiliates in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB473 .5 million ( US$67 .5 million), compared with RMB417 .5 million in the same period of 2023. Income tax expense in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB100.3 million ( US$14.3 million ), compared with RMB74.2 million in the same period of 2023. Net income in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB375 .8 million ( US$53 .6 million), compared with RMB347 .2 million in the same period of 2023. Non-GAAP adjusted net income in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB433.6 million ( US$61.8 million ), compared with RMB374.5 million in the same period of 2023. Net income per basic and diluted ADS in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB7 .86 (US$1.12), and RMB7 .74 (US$1.10), compared with RMB7 .26 and RMB7.02 , respectively, in the same period of 2023. Non-GAAP adjusted net income per basic and diluted ADS in the third quarter of 2024 was RMB9 .12 (US$1.30), and RMB8 .88 (US$1.27), compared with RMB7 .80 and RMB7 .56 respectively, in the same period of 2023. Cash and cash equivalents was RMB1,044 .1 million ( US$148 .8 million) as of September 30, 2024 , compared with RMB1,612.2 million as of June 30, 2024 . Recent Development Share Repurchase Plans On September 4, 2024 , the Company further extended the period of the US$30 million share repurchase program until March 31, 2026 . In the third quarter of 2024, the Company repurchased an aggregate of 1,689,722 Class A ordinary shares with 10,038 Class A ordinary shares represented by ADSs for a total consideration of approximately US$1.3 million . The Company has approximately US$4.1 million remaining for potential repurchases under its US$30 million share repurchase plan. As previously disclosed, on May 30, 2024 , the Company announced that its board of directors authorized a new US$20 million share repurchase plan, effective through November 30, 2025 . The Company completed a tender offer in July 2024 under the new share repurchase program, with a total repurchase amount of approximately US$9.2 million . The Company has approximately US$10.8 million remaining under its US$20 million plan. Business Outlook The Company expects the total loan amount facilitated and originated for the fourth quarter of 2024 to be between RMB30.0 billion and RMB31.0 billion . The total loan amount facilitated and originated for 2024 is expected to be between RMB102.6 billion and RMB103.6 billion . This forecast reflects the Company's current and preliminary views, which are subject to changes. Conference Call X Financial's management team will host an earnings conference call at 7:00 AM U.S. Eastern Time on November 27, 2024 ( 8:00 PM Beijing / Hong Kong Time on November 27, 2024 ). Dial-in details for the earnings conference call are as follows: Please dial in ten minutes before the call is scheduled to begin and provide the passcode to join the call. A replay of the conference call may be accessed by phone at the following numbers until December 4, 2024 : Additionally, a live and archived webcast of the conference call will be available at . About X Financial X Financial (NYSE: XYF ) (the "Company") is a leading online personal finance company in China . The Company is committed to connecting borrowers on its platform with its institutional funding partners. With its proprietary big data-driven technology, the Company has established strategic partnerships with financial institutions across multiple areas of its business operations, enabling it to facilitate and originate loans to prime borrowers under a risk assessment and control system. For more information, please visit: . Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures Statement In evaluating our business, we consider and use non-GAAP measures as supplemental measures to review and assess our operating performance. We present the non-GAAP financial measures because they are used by our management to evaluate our operating performance and formulate business plans. We believe that the use of the non-GAAP financial measures facilitates investors' assessment of our operating performance and help investors to identify underlying trends in our business that could otherwise be distorted by the effect of certain income or expenses that we include in income (loss) from operations and net income (loss). We also believe that the non-GAAP measures provide useful information about our core operating results, enhance the overall understanding of our past performance and future prospects and allow for greater visibility with respect to key metrics used by our management in its financial and operational decision-making. We use in this press release the following non-GAAP financial measures: (i) adjusted net income (loss), (ii) adjusted net income (loss) per basic ADS, (iii) adjusted net income (loss) per diluted ADS, (iv) adjusted net income per basic share, and (v) adjusted net income per diluted share, each of which excludes share-based compensation expense, impairment losses on financial investments, income (loss) from financial investments and impairment losses on long-term investments. These non-GAAP financial measures have limitations as analytical tools, and when assessing our operating performance, investors should not consider them in isolation, or as a substitute for the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. We mitigate these limitations by reconciling the non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measures, which should be considered when evaluating our performance. We encourage you to review our financial information in its entirety and not rely on a single financial measure. For more information on these non-GAAP financial measures, please see the table captioned "Reconciliations of GAAP and Non-GAAP results" set forth at the end of this press release. Exchange Rate Information This announcement contains translations of certain RMB amounts into U.S. dollars at specified rates solely for the convenience of the reader. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from RMB to U.S. dollars are made at a rate of RMB 7.0176 to US$1.00 , the exchange rate set forth in the H.10 statistical release of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as of September 30, 2024 . Disclaimer Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," "potential," "continue," "ongoing," "targets," "guidance" and similar statements. The Company may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Any statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Company's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements that involve factors, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such factors and risks include, but not limited to the followings: the Company's goals and strategies; its future business development, financial condition and results of operations; the expected growth of the credit industry, and marketplace lending in particular, in China ; the demand for and market acceptance of its marketplace's products and services; its ability to attract and retain borrowers and investors on its marketplace; its relationships with its strategic cooperation partners; competition in its industry; and relevant government policies and regulations relating to the corporate structure, business and industry. Further information regarding these and other risks, uncertainties or factors is included in the Company's filings with the SEC. All information provided in this announcement is current as of the date of this announcement, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update such information, except as required under applicable law. Use of Projections This announcement also contains certain financial forecasts (or guidance) with respect to the Company's projected financial results. The Company's independent auditors have not audited, reviewed, compiled or performed any procedures with respect to the projections or guidance for the purpose of their inclusion in this announcement, and accordingly, they did not express an opinion or provide any other form assurance with respect thereto for the purpose of this announcement. This guidance should not be relied upon as being necessarily indicative of future results. The assumptions and estimates underlying the prospective financial information are inherently uncertain and are subject to a wide variety of significant business, economic and competitive risks and uncertainties that could actual results to differ materially from those contained in the prospective financial information. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the prospective results are indicative of the future performance of the Company, or that actual results will not differ materially from those set forth in the prospective financial information. Inclusion of the prospective financial information in this announcement should not be regarded as a representation by any person that the results contained in the prospective financial information will actually be achieved. You should review this information together with the Company's historical information. For more information, please contact: X Financial Mr. Frank Fuya Zheng E-mail: [email protected] Christensen IR In China Mr. Rene Vanguestaine Phone: +86-178-1749 0483 E-mail: [email protected] In US Ms. Linda Bergkamp Phone: +1-480-614-3004 Email: [email protected] SOURCE X FinancialCelebrity-inspired Thanksgiving recipes, plus last-minute holiday meal ideas

The joys of homeownership are varied and abundant. The ability to roll out your tool collection and make incredibly personalized renovations to the place you call home is a big reason that many people ultimately strive to own their own house or apartment. Big-name brands make a wide collection of popular tools for DIY projects , giving homeowners inspiration as they seek improvements that benefit their lifestyle and home. But the benefits also carry their own drawbacks. For anyone living in a flood-prone area, homeownership also means the responsibility of dealing with the aftermath of a rising tide or torrential downpour. Fortunately, lots of tools can be leveraged to handle these repair necessities, too. The Ryobi catalog of tools and accessories is quite deep, and many are aimed directly at repair works after this type of misfortune befalls your home. Even a few tools in Ryobi's discontinued range like the 18V ONE+ Hybrid Surface Dryer would come in handy in the event of a flooded room. Homeowners will naturally have to look to the brand's current range, but within that catalog, there are plenty of solutions. These are some of Ryobi's best options for handling standing water and the damage it can leave behind. The first thing you need to do when dealing with floodwaters is reduce the flooding. No matter how your home has flooded or where the water is contained, you'll need to evaluate the extent of the damage and work quickly to move the water out of the space. A submersible water transfer pump should be your first port of call. The Ryobi 18V ONE+ 20 GPM Submersible Water Transfer Pump delivers significant relief from standing water in a place it shouldn't be found. The 1/6 horsepower motor moves water at 20 gallons per minute, and with a 23-foot head height, it can lift floodwaters a significant distance. This allows the pump to be used in basements and other low areas that need to evacuate water up a floor to ground level. The pump features runtime sensor options that turn the device off after five, 10, or 15 minutes of continuous use, or once water is no longer detected in the target area. It can drain water to 1-1/6-inch, leaving just a small amount of cleanup remaining once the pump has finished its duties. The pump is powered by Ryobi's 18V ONE+ battery system and features an enclosed battery case with a 15-foot tether to protect the power supply from contact with the water to be pumped. Another pump to consider from Ryobi, the 18V ONE+ HP Transfer Pump moves water with less speed but greater lifting capability. The pump features a 1/4 horsepower motor (so more potent than the submersible option) that features a 54-foot head height and a 17-foot lift height. Because the pump doesn't sit in the liquid to be moved, the task isn't quite the same, but with the use of an intake hose rather than setting down the pump itself, the transfer pump allows all but the last 1/16-inch of water to be removed from a target area. This pump also features three-speed settings, ramping up to the full 10 gallons per minute. The reality is that more than one pump may be necessary when dealing with significant flooding in your home. You might have a room filled with water, requiring hundreds or even thousands of gallons of liquid to be moved out of the space (the average four-person hot tub houses about 200 gallons and a bathtub roughly 40, for comparison's sake). The more pump capacity you can muster, the faster you can get working on all the rest of the restoration tasks that come after the water has been cleared away. This is a solid addition to your arsenal. Once you've removed the standing water, the next phase of the project begins: deciding what can be salvaged and what needs replacing. Cloth and fabric items sit on the fence of this decision-making process. Some fabric goods can be cleaned up while others might soak up the liquid and be totally ruined by floodwaters. For anything salvageable, the first step is thorough cleaning. Even if you're going to gut the space and start from scratch, a good vacuuming is necessary to clear away any leftover debris. However, you can't use any old vacuum system to clean up flood damage. A wet/dry vacuum is essential here because it won't get clogged up or bogged down by soiled debris and moisture. The Ryobi 18V ONE+ Bucket Top Wet/Dry Vacuum Kit is a great choice. Rather than investing in a hefty vacuum, the bucket top kit allows you to place the topper onto just about any 5-gallon bucket you have lying around — or a larger container with the same opening dimensions at the top — and get straight into cleaning. The system fits snugly onto a bucket and includes a filter bag. The vacuum kit is compatible with Ryobi's 18V ONE+ system batteries and is ultra-portable, weighing just 4.25 pounds. It fits most 1-1/4-inch hose accessories and features a crevice tool and swiveling connections for extreme versatility. The vacuum handles sopping wet debris, letting you start stripping back the room as soon as your pumps are done. A finish nailer should be high on any renovator's list of must-have tools when dealing with the aftermath of a flooding incident ( in comparison to a brad nailer that offers a little less versatility). Water damage affects different parts of a room in unique ways. You'll almost certainly need to pull up carpeting and unprotected hardwood floors (although laminates might survive a short bath, and vinyl is potentially salvageable, as is tile that hasn't seen anything hard drop and chip its surfaces). Similar problems come into play along the walls. You'll potentially be chopping away sections of drywall and perhaps even replacing wiring and socket faces, not to mention the baseboards that tend to be made of MDF and are among the first elements exposed to water. Bloating and disfigurement are common among wooden features exposed to water. Replacements are often necessary, and with a finish nailer, securing new detail work in place is incredibly simple. The Ryobi 18V ONE+ AirStrike 16 Gauge Finish Nailer can sink nails up to 2-1/2 inches into hardwoods, making it a good option for both the installation of features like hardwood flooring and softwood trim work (such as MDF baseboard or new cabinet faces). The tool features a depth of drive adjustment lever that doesn't need any additional accessory tools to utilize, and it features a 78% reduction in the nose size compared to its predecessor for easier alignment and faster workflow throughout your restoration project. Another excellent tool to keep on hand is a staple gun. Combination stapler/nailers are even better as they allow you to fasten workpieces with a wider range of options. The Ryobi USB Lithium 4-in-1 Craft Stapler/Nailer is a workhorse in this category and a tool that can make significant inroads into the restoration of a room or home that's been affected by floodwaters. The tool is powered by Ryobi's lithium battery pack and rechargeable via an included USB cable for quick, on-the-go power. It's a great option for stapling material out of the way temporarily or reupholstering chairs and other items that may have seen some damage but can be upcycled or salvaged with a little know-how (something that car owners often pick up when repairing seat tears , for instance). A stapler that transitions into a brad nailer is a versatile tool that can also be used in the installation of new insulation. If your walls have been badly damaged and new insulating material is required, this tool is a go-to solution for tacking in new heat-holding material behind the drywall faces. After you've started the cleanup process, you may find that there's lots to scrub in order to return certain parts of the room to their former glory. Indeed, not all damage that comes from a flooded home requires a total replacement, and some metal and other fixtures can instead be cleaned up to restore their functionality. The USB Lithium Power Scrubber from Ryobi is a great option when it comes to these parts of the job. The tool is a compact scrubbing solution that offers a 300 rpm spin speed on the brush head. The medium bristle pad that comes with the tool is great for restoring the sheen and cleanliness that you're used to on tile, granite, and fiberglass surfaces, for starters. This makes it a great solution for cleaning away signs of the flood in bathrooms and kitchens, as well as other parts of the home that might be best served by a major cleanup. The tool also features an IPX7 water resistance rating, allowing it to be submerged while you work. The result is a potent scrubber that can be used to begin the job of returning your home to normal, perhaps even as you find yourself in the pump-out phase. Anyone living in an area that's susceptible to flood damage has to contend with the reality that they may lose power at some point during the event. Power outages can last days or even weeks in remote areas or those with highly complex power grid installations. There's no guarantee that you'll be able to rely on power in your home as you begin cleaning up and getting back on track. It's also possible that flood damage has inhibited your home's ability to safely and reliably deliver electricity to your tools and appliances, even if the power is still on. This means that people in flood-risk areas will want to invest in a reliable backup power source. The Ryobi 1,800-Watt Portable Power Station is a solid choice in this arena. The backup power supply can run a full-size refrigerator for up to 18 hours or a 32-inch LED TV for 30 hours. It's therefore a solid choice for routine backup power in case of emergency. But the tool is also perfect for those needing reliable, non-grid power to support battery recharges or corded power tools and light solutions when tackling the early or middle stages of a flood repair in the home. With this tool in your arsenal, you won't be constrained by what's available through the wall socket and can get right to work on your repairs. This is particularly important for restoring rooms after a flood since the longer you leave water to sit, the more damage it ultimately creates. A power tool that's all about cooling, the Ryobi 40V HP Brushless Hybrid Whisper Series 20-Inch Air Cannon might not seem like a prototypical flood restoration tool. But appearances can be deceiving, and the value of a hugely powerful fan becomes immediately clear once you activate it in a room that's been damaged by floodwaters. The air cannon offers three-speed settings with a max output of 6,300 CFM that Ryobi claims can be felt across distances the size of ball fields and warehouses. While that much air power isn't typically going to be necessary in a gutted room, the air cannon's ability to dial in intense air movement is a welcome addition. What the tool brings to the table is a fast-drying component. No matter how meticulously you towel dry the cracks and crevices — and even flat surfaces like walls and floors — there's just no way to completely remove the moisture from the room without giving it time to air out. The Ryobi Air Cannon accelerates this process, reducing mustiness and ensuring surfaces dry fully before repairs like drywall or flooring installations. Installing new drywall, flooring, or trim is pointless if surrounding materials still retain moisture from the flood. The 6-inch all-terrain wheels and sturdy frame, alongside a pivoting head that rotates for precise control, offer expansive utility in all kinds of environments, and the tool sits right at home in a moisture-ridden restoration space. As you move along to the finishing touches of your cleanup, it's a good idea to consider a spot cleaning tool. The Ryobi 18V ONE+ SwiftClean Spot Cleaner Kit is an ideal solution for tackling small area cleaning tasks. Your couches and chairs, for instance, may have made it through the worst of the flooding without too much damage, but a bit of TLC is still worthwhile as you work to restore the space to a livable condition. Moisture in the air can condense and leave behind residue and patchy spots on your cushions that don't require replacement but certainly need to be cleaned up. The spot cleaner utilizes the same 18V ONE+ batteries as the rest of the primary tool lineup, and the vac tool features a spray solution function as well as stain agitator and a powerful suction motor to reduce stains to dust in a hurry. It's a great option for cleaning up other trouble spots too, when the flooding has faded into just a memory. The cleaner can be used on your car seats, as a means of tackling carpet stains, and much more. Lighting solutions are a key feature in any storm and flooding restoration. As is the case with corded power tools needing a backup power source, additional lighting elements that don't rely on main power drawn from the wall can be a difference maker in your quest to repair the damage to your home. Ryobi's 18V ONE+ 360-Degree LED Light is a fantastic solution in this region of the repair space. Area lighting is common in just about any DIY tool kit and allows you to continue working on routine DIY projects long into the night when necessary. Spot lighting is critical for work in attics, as well, even if light fixtures have been installed in your home's overhead storage and utility space. When dealing with rapid response fixes, the last thing you'll want to do is fumble around in the dark or have to call off the project because you can't see what you're working on. With Ryobi's 360-degree light, mounting the illumination device overhead delivers complete coverage of the area, and a potent 3,800 lumens of output makes for a brilliant display of lighting that will make any jobsite completely accessible. The four side panels are adjustable, too, meaning you can dial in the exact positions necessary to shine brightly on the parts of the room that need it most. It also features four brightness modes, including a single panel illumination option for jobs that require just a bit of targeted lighting. The 18V ONE+ Storm Kit from Ryobi features all the essentials you'll need to ride out a storm and get started on the work of fixing the damage once the worst has passed. It features some of the most important tools you'll want to have on hand during hurricane season and is a great starting point when rounding out your emergency preparedness toolkit for natural disasters, too. The kit includes a 150-watt power source that's perfect for charging small devices and keeping basic appliances working. It features standard plug and USB connections for varied usage depending on your needs. The kit also includes a compact radio so you can stay updated on the latest developments in your area, or perhaps even tune into music stations to keep you entertained as you ride out the worst of the storm or begin the process of restoring your home. There's also an area light, two batteries, and a charger, giving you a well-rounded emergency kit. A final pump makes the list. The Ryobi 18V ONE+ 1/6 Horsepower Telescoping Pole Pump is a great option for tackling the water removal tasks that come after floodwaters have invaded your home. The telescoping pole function allows you to reach out up to 3.5 feet away to begin the transfer of standing water from anywhere you may find it. The telescoping pole pump includes the same three timer shutoff settings as other Ryobi pumps, as well as an automatic shutoff component that stops the tool when water is no longer detected in the capture environment. The tool offers up to 26 minutes of runtime on the included 2Ah 18V ONE+ battery and delivers 15 gallons of water per minute transfer speeds with a head height of 24 feet. It also includes a removable mud filter and sediment strainer for use in outdoor environments when necessary, too. It features an LED light as well, giving you the ability to see your workspace better as you tackle the essential job of removing the rest of the standing water from inside your home.Romanian politicians have voted in favour of a new pro-European coalition government led by incumbent Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu. The move could usher in an end to a protracted political crisis in the European Union country following the annulment of a presidential election by a top court. Parliament approved the new administration in a 240-143 vote in Romania’s 466-seat legislature. The new coalition is made up of the leftist Social Democratic Party (PSD) the centre-right National Liberal Party (PNL), the small ethnic Hungarian UDMR party and national minorities. It caps a month-long period of turmoil in which far-right nationalists made significant gains in a parliamentary election on December 1 a week after a first-round presidential race saw the far-right outsider Calin Georgescu emerge as the front-runner. “It will not be an easy mandate for the future government,” Mr Ciolacu, whose PSD party topped the polls in the parliamentary election, said in a statement. “We are aware that we are in the midst of a deep political crisis,” he said. “It is also a crisis of trust, and this coalition aims to regain the trust of citizens, the trust of the people.” Romania’s 16 ministerial positions will be shared among the parties, which will hold a slim majority in the legislature. It is widely seen as a tactical partnership to shut out far-right nationalists whose voices found fertile ground amid high living costs and a sluggish economy. Mr Ciolacu, who came third in the first-round presidential ballot despite polls indicating he would win the most votes, has served as prime minister since June 2023. After parliament’s approval, President Klaus Iohannis swore in the new government and warned the new Cabinet that it is entering a “difficult new period” in which “for many Romanians, there are major concerns”. Romania was plunged into turmoil after Mr Georgescu’s surprise success in the presidential race, after allegations of electoral violations and Russian interference emerged. Days before the December 8 run-off, the Constitutional Court made the unprecedented move to annul the presidential race. “We go through complicated times, but I think we all learned from mistakes of the past,” Mr Ciolacu said. “I hope that together with my colleagues in the coalition, we’ll find the best solutions to get past the challenges we have in front of us.” Mr Ciolacu said that the new government would aim to quickly organise the rerun of the presidential election in which the new coalition has agreed to put forward an agreed common pro-European candidate. Cristian Andrei, a political consultant based in Bucharest, said that the new government made up of the same political parties will likely embrace “soft populist” rhetoric such as economic patriotism, anti-austerity, and a peace solution in neighbouring Ukraine to counter the rise of far-right populism. “This will be a way to answer the concerns of many Romanians who voted for populists... but will not solve the fundamental problem of trust,” he said. “The only decisive factor now will be who and how convincing the pro-European candidates will be against this popular revolt.” George Simion, the leader of the far-right Alliance for the Unity of Romanians, which came second in the parliamentary election, said that all politicians from his party on Monday would vote against the Ciolacu government. In 2021, the PSD and the PNL also formed an unlikely but increasingly strained coalition together with UDMR, which exited the Cabinet last year after a power-sharing dispute.

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Global Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software Market Size, Share and Forecast By Key Players-Brokermint,CoStar,Tranquil CRM,Altus Group,Buildout 12-23-2024 07:52 PM CET | Advertising, Media Consulting, Marketing Research Press release from: Market Research Intellect Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software Market USA, New Jersey- According to the Market Research Intellect, the global Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market is projected to grow at a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5% from 2024 to 2031. Starting with a valuation of 10.11 Billion in 2024, the market is expected to reach approximately 20.5 Billion by 2031, driven by factors such as Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software and Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software. This significant growth underscores the expanding demand for Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software across various sectors. The Commercial Real Estate (CRE) software market has experienced significant growth due to the increasing complexity of managing commercial properties and the demand for more efficient operations. As businesses look to streamline property management, leasing, and investment processes, CRE software provides essential tools for data analysis, reporting, and portfolio management. The integration of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and cloud computing has further enhanced the capabilities of CRE software, allowing for better decision-making, predictive analytics, and real-time updates. Additionally, the market is driven by the growing trend of digitization in real estate, with property owners, brokers, and investors adopting digital solutions to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs. With the real estate sector's continued expansion, the CRE software market is set to continue growing, enabling companies to enhance productivity and stay competitive. The dynamics of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) software market are influenced by technological advancements and shifting industry needs. Key drivers include the increasing demand for data-driven insights, as businesses seek to optimize asset management and investment decisions. AI and machine learning are playing a significant role in improving property valuation, market forecasting, and tenant relationship management. Additionally, cloud-based CRE software is gaining traction, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency for companies of all sizes. The rise of mobile applications and digital platforms further enhances customer engagement and operational efficiency. However, challenges such as the complexity of integrating new software with existing systems and the high upfront costs of implementation may pose obstacles for some businesses. Despite these challenges, the market's continued digital transformation and the demand for smarter real estate solutions are expected to drive ongoing growth. Request PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @ Key Drivers: The growth of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market is driven by several key factors. Technological advancements in Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software have enabled greater efficiency and enhanced capabilities, spurring adoption across industries. Additionally, the rising demand for sustainable and eco-friendly solutions is pushing companies to innovate and adopt greener practices. Expanding applications in sectors like Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software and Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software are further contributing to market demand, as these industries seek advanced solutions to streamline operations and enhance product quality. Favorable government policies and incentives in regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific support investment and growth. Moreover, an increasing focus on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software for improving operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness is encouraging businesses to embrace new technologies, fostering sustained market expansion. Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) play a pivotal role in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market, as companies look to expand their capabilities, access new technologies, and strengthen market presence. Leading players engage in strategic acquisitions to consolidate their position and gain a competitive edge. These transactions often facilitate the integration of advanced Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software solutions, helping firms broaden their product portfolios and meet growing customer demands. Additionally, M&A activities support companies in achieving economies of scale and penetrating new regional markets, particularly in high-growth areas like Asia-Pacific. Through such strategic alliances, businesses aim to accelerate innovation, enhance operational efficiency, and address evolving market challenges, ultimately driving the overall growth of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market. Get a Discount On The Purchase Of This Report @ The following Key Segments Are Covered in Our Report By Type Cloud Based On-premises By Application Broker Investor/Appraiser Property Manager Major companies in Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software Market are: Brokermint,CoStar,Tranquil CRM,Altus Group,Buildout,MRI Software,Apto,REthink,PropertyMetrics,Oracle,AscendixRE,Ascendix Technologies,ClientLook,CommissionTrac,Realhound,Sell.Do,Forbury,VTS,SharpLaunch,Reonomy,ARGUS,Quarem,Valcre, Global Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software Market -Regional Analysis North America: North America is expected to hold a significant share of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market due to advanced technological infrastructure and the presence of major market players. High demand across sectors like Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software and Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software is driving growth, with the U.S. being a key contributor. Additionally, ongoing investments in R&D and innovation reinforce the region's strong market position. Europe: Europe is projected to experience steady growth, driven by stringent regulatory standards and a rising focus on sustainability in Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software practices. Countries like Germany, France, and the UK are leading due to their advanced industrial base and supportive government policies. The demand for eco-friendly and efficient Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software solutions is expected to continue fostering market expansion. Asia-Pacific: Asia-Pacific is anticipated to be the fastest-growing region, fueled by rapid industrialization and urbanization. Countries such as China, India, and Japan are driving demand due to expanding consumer bases and increasing investments in infrastructure. The region's robust manufacturing sector and favorable economic policies further enhance growth opportunities in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market. Latin America: Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are expected to show moderate growth in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market. In Latin America, growth is supported by rising industrial activities in countries like Brazil and Mexico. Meanwhile, in the Middle East & Africa, infrastructure development and an increasing focus on innovation in sectors like Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software are key drivers of market expansion. Middle East and Africa: The Middle East and Africa represent emerging markets in the global Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market, with countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Nigeria showing promising growth potential. Economic diversification efforts, urbanization, and a young population are driving demand for Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software products and services in the region. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. What is the current size of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market? Answer: The Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market was valued at approximately 10.11 Billion in 2024, with projections suggesting it will reach 20.5 Billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 12.5%. 2. What factors are driving the growth of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market? Answer: The market's expansion is attributed to several factors, including increased demand for Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software, advancements in Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software technology, and the adoption of Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software across various sectors. 3. Which regions are expected to dominate the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market? Answer: Regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific are anticipated to lead due to the presence of major industry players and growing investments in Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software. 4. Who are the key players in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market? Answer: Prominent companies in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market include Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software, Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software, and Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software, each contributing to market growth through innovations and strategic partnerships. 5. What challenges does the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market face? Answer: The market faces challenges such as Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software, regulatory compliance, and competition from alternative solutions. However, ongoing advancements aim to address these issues. 6. What are the future trends in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market? Emerging trends include the integration of Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software technology, sustainability practices, and digital transformation in processes, all expected to shape the market's future. 7. How can businesses benefit from the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market? Answer: Businesses can leverage growth opportunities in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market by adopting new solutions, enhancing operational efficiency, and expanding their offerings to meet evolving consumer demands. 8. Why invest in a Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market report from MRI? Answer: MRI's report provides in-depth analysis, future projections, and key insights to support strategic decision-making, enabling businesses to stay competitive and capitalize on growth trends in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Software market. For More Information or Query, Visit @ About Us: Market Research Intellect Market Research Intellect is a leading Global Research and Consulting firm servicing over 5000+ global clients. We provide advanced analytical research solutions while offering information-enriched research studies. We also offer insights into strategic and growth analyses and data necessary to achieve corporate goals and critical revenue decisions. Our 250 Analysts and SMEs offer a high level of expertise in data collection and governance using industrial techniques to collect and analyze data on more than 25,000 high-impact and niche markets. Our analysts are trained to combine modern data collection techniques, superior research methodology, expertise, and years of collective experience to produce informative and accurate research. Our research spans a multitude of industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverages, etc. Having serviced many Fortune For inquiries, Contact Us at: Mr. Edwyne Fernandes Market Research Intellect APAC: +61 485 860 968 EU: +44 788 886 6344 US: +1 743 222 5439 This release was published on openPR.

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